Twilight Contact Lenses

Orange (2)
Red (3)
Yellow (2)
1 Day (5)
30 Day (2)
Chromaview (7)

Twilight Contact Lenses

7 products found.
Twilight Volturi Red Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
Twilight Volturi Red Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Twilight Volturi Red Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
Twilight Volturi Red Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Avatar Yellow Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
Avatar Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
UV Yellow Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
UV Yellow Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Twilight Star Orange Contact Lenses | 30 Day Costume Contacts
Twilight Star Orange Costume Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Twilight Star Orange Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
Twilight Star Orange Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Breaking Dawn Costume Contact Lenses | Daily Colored Contacts
Breaking Dawn Costume Contact Lenses (1 Day)

Capture the unique eyes of the modern-day vampire with the Crazy Lenses Twilight contact lenses. Iconic for their hypnotizing gaze, the Twilight characters are a popular option for many cosplayers and even Halloween go-ers nowadays, and with our range of lenses perfectly fit to this movie, it’s easy to recreate specific characters and personalities. Embrace the dark mystery of these vampiric roles next time you attend a Comic Con event, Halloween party, or even for on-stage theater performances. 

The Crazy Lenses range of Twilight contact lenses consists of several colors representing the different characters, different personalities in the films, and also their age. The red Twilight Volturi contact lenses are inspired by a powerful coven of influential vampires within the film franchise. Known to be the eldest and strongest vampires within the vampire world, this is mirrored clearly through the deep red tone of their iris’ and mimics a substantial thirst for blood. On the other hand, if you’re vampiric approach is much younger and more naive you might like to try the Twilight contact lenses Bella in orange. This lens remains a vibrant option for a vampire costume, however, the orange tone provides a more playful approach to the dark red shade. These lenses are also available in the Bella UV Twilight Contact Lenses!

  • New Moon Contact Lenses - Created in a rich amber tone, the New Moon contact lenses feature a jagged black limbal ring enhancing its bold orange shade. The colors of this lens stand out so beautifully against the white of the eye and undoubtedly make the eyes a main focal point when they are worn.
  • Breaking Dawn Contact Lenses - Reminiscent of the youngest vampires, the Breaking Dawn contact lenses feature a desirable light red tone that is both beautiful and deadly. Featuring a similar black jagged limbal ring to the other lenses, this vibrant red lens is a great option for those newborn vamps out there!

Ensuring you enjoy the full experience of wearing your Twilight vampire contacts is our priority, so we have worked with the highest quality materials to make sure your eyes stay hydrated and comfortable. Our contact lenses are each manufactured and created using a lightweight and breathable material that allows oxygen to easily pass through to the eyeball so that it remains moisturized.

Whether your vampire-inspired plan is for one night only or you have several dates coming up that will require your vibrant new Twilight contact lens, at Crazy Lenses you’ll find both daily and 30 day contacts available in this range. Shop the Twilight daily lenses if you only require one use from your contacts; the daily contact lenses are designed to be soaked for a minimum of 2 hours before insertion and disposed of after a single use of no more than 8 consecutive hours with no need to be cleaned or stored.

Alternatively, should you require multiple uses from your new Twilight lenses, our 30 day contact lenses provide a variation that can be safely worn as many times as you require throughout the month so you can make the most of your vampire form! Multi-day lenses do require a level of maintenance to ensure they remain hygienic and safe for wear; gently rinse your lenses with a sterile lens solution after every wear and store in fresh solution within a contact lens case.