Aqua Contact Lenses

Blue (5)
Multicoloured (1)
Natural (3)
Costume (3)
1 Day (3)
30 Day (2)
90 Day (1)
14.2 (4)
14 (2)
Chromaview (6)

Aqua Contact Lenses

6 products found.
Rainbow Multicoloured Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Rainbow Multicoloured Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Cat's Eye Aqua Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Cat's Eye Aqua Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)
Two Tone Aqua Mystic Contact Lenses | 90 Day Natural Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Two Tone Aqua Mystic Natural Contact Lenses (90 Day)
Aqua Blend Contact Lenses | 30 Day Natural Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Aqua Blend Natural Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Enhancing Tint Aqua Contact Lenses | 30 Day Natural Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Enhancing Tint Aqua Natural Contact Lenses (30 Day)
Mermaid Aqua Blue Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Sale
Mermaid Aqua Blue Costume Contact Lenses (Daily)

Buy Aqua Contact Lenses Online

Love the oceanic tones of aqua? Temporarily enhance or alter your natural eye colour with a pair of non-prescription aqua contact lenses. Featuring various shades of aqua (light blue with a hint of green), turquoise, teal (greenish-blue), cyan, and mint, our extensive range of aqua coloured contact lenses incorporates nature-replicating designs as well as various character-specific designs for use in cosplay or at Halloween.

Generally categorised under blue, aqua eyes are among the rarest of all naturally occurring eye colours. Said to evoke feelings of reinvigoration, youth, and dreaminess, aqua is a spectral colour that sits between blue and green. Inspired by the colour of water, it is also a colour family that incorporates a variety of blues and greens.

Natural Aqua Contact Lenses

Designed to replicate gorgeous naturally occurring aqua eyes, our natural aqua lenses are available in our one, two, and three-tone prints. The one-tone option has been designed for people with light eyes who are looking to achieve a subtle aqua eye enhancement. At the other end of the spectrum, if you are looking for a pair of aqua contact lenses for dark eyes, our striking three-tone blend provides a complete aqua eye colour transformation that is suitable for the darkest of eyes. Featuring a blend of three different shades of aqua, this option also has a darker more defined limbal ring.

Aqua Contacts for Cosplay

Aside from our natural aqua designs, we also stock a vast selection of aqua cosplay contacts. For example, our aqua cat eye contact lenses are often used to replicate the vertical pupil aqua eyes of the Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland. Other popular designs from this category include Glamour Aqua which have an enhanced natural design that is perfect for bright anime eyes.

Aqua Contacts for Halloween

While they may not be among the spookiest of Halloween colours, there are many Halloween characters and monsters that can be enhanced with a pair of aqua coloured contact lenses. Many of our costume aqua lenses feature dark limbal rings to draw attention to the vibrant blue iris. Our novelty lenses include cat eye coloured contacts that can be paired with all kinds of reptilian looks including dragons, cats, and snakes.

Daily Disposable and Reusable Aqua Contact Lenses

Our non-prescription aqua coloured contacts, also known as plano or 0.00 are manufactured from high quality soft material and feature vibrant printed designs. Soft, lightweight, and extremely durable, they are packaged and sold as pairs in daily disposable form as well as in life spans of up to 90 days. The single-use one day aqua blue contact lenses can be worn once and then disposed of, perfect for an event such as Halloween or a Comic Con. You can wear any of our coloured contact lenses for up to 8 hours a day. Our 30 day or 90 day reusable aqua contacts are designed to be worn multiple times. These lenses are more durable. Clean and store your reusable contact lenses in fresh multipurpose contact lens solution after every use to ensure that you can wear them for the full duration. The duration starts from the first time you use the contact lenses.

Our aqua blue contacts feature a variety of light blue tones in different intensities. The costume aqua coloured contact lenses are designed with block pigmentation for full coverage whereas our natural aqua lenses have different tones and flecks in them to mimic a real eye. Get a bright everyday eye colour or choose some aqua contact lenses to complete your next costume or cosplay.